Synthetic Plants

Clarification questions

Answering your questions

If you have questions related to Synthetic Plants, please reach out to

We’ll update this page twice a week with answers.

Nb: clarification questions should be submitted no later than 4 days prior to the relevant deadline date. Clarification questions received after this date will not be reviewed. 

Why was potato chosen as the primary species for this programme?

To maximise the potential for the sharing of technical advances, work in Phase One will focus on a single crop species, potato Solanum tuberosum with expansion to additional species (including a monocot) in Phase Two. Potato has been selected for both social and scientific reasons: it is a crop of social and economic importance, and it is comparatively easy to transform. The specific variety of potato to be used will be determined in consultation with all Creators at the beginning of the programme. 


Is there scope to work on other species and not just potato?

To assist with your research, you are welcome to work on other species. However, the milestones for the end of Phase One will be directly tied to demonstrating success in Solanum tuberosum. There will be expansion to additional species in Phase Two of the programme.


Why does the programme focus on synthetic chromosomes and synthetic chloroplasts instead of other synthetic units such as synthetic mitochondria?

The synthetic units to be focused on in the programme were determined through consultation with the scientific community. By focusing our efforts on two possibilities for synthetic units, rather than keeping this open-ended, we’re able to build greater options for knowledge sharing between our Creator teams. Synthetic chromosomes and synthetic chloroplasts are on the edge of what is possible in plants, making them an ideal target for an ARIA programme.


Which traits are you interested in?

In Phase One of the programme, Creators are welcome to select any trait they wish to work on. In Phase Two of the programme, Creators will develop the complexity of traits delivered by the units. Traits will be agriculturally relevant and traits related to food security will be favoured. The specific nature of traits has been intentionally left open in order to allow for Creator expertise and preferences to be taken into account, as well as results of TA2 (social and ethical research).


I am interested in applying for funding for Phase Two as well. How can I do that?

Creators for Phase Two will only be selected from those who are working on Phase One. If you are interested in applying for funding to work on the projects in Phase Two, you are encouraged to include a brief section in your application detailing your approach to the work in Phase Two (up to 3 of TAs 3-5). This may be up to two paragraphs in your concept paper, and may be up to two pages in your full proposal.